Robyn Nachtigall-Hill has known she wanted to be a sonographer since she was 12 and undergoing cancer treatment. In a unique twist of fate, the woman who helped save her life as a preteen is the same woman who would someday become her sonography mentor and then help save her daughter’s life.
Joy Guthrie was part of Nachtigall-Hill’s cancer care team at Valley Children’s Hospital. Guthrie performed echocardiograms to make sure her chemotherapy treatments for bone cancer weren’t damaging her heart.
A decade after that first meeting, Nachtigall-Hill encountered Guthrie again when she applied to the sonography training program at Community Regional Medical Center. Joy Guthrie PhD, ACS, RDMS, RDCS, RVT, is the director of sonography training at the downtown Fresno hospital and an assistant professor of medicine at UCSF Fresno in Echocardiography.
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Community Medical Centers | 20 Nov 2020