A virtual meeting of the Fresno Commission for Police Reform turned into more than 5 hours of back and forth bickering about rules Monday night that ultimately...
Fresno City Council Member Luiz Chavez says 600 criminals have been released back into the city since April. “We’re in the middle of a crime wave,...
Social justice issues are having a direct impact on training and recruiting new sworn peace officers in the Central Valley. In fact, the Clovis Police Department...
As ash drifted down from the fires burning through Solano County, a woman sweating under the smoke-reddened sun dug through her car, searching for an adapter...
By Dale Kalser, Manuela Tobias, and Tony Bizjak She was afraid of catching the coronavirus – so fearful, in fact, that she switched jobs to pack tomatoes for an...
It’s crunch month for California legislators who promised sweeping reforms in response to the police killing of George Floyd and the protests his death unleashed. Yet...
Up to 17,600 California prison inmates will get early releases by the end of August due to the coronavirus. That’s more than twice as many as the...
Coronavirus has reshaped how Californians live, learn and work in uneven ways. The pandemic has exposed the state’s long-standing digital divide with a significant share of...
The decade dawned on a California that was both “the richest and poorest” state in the nation, in the words of Gov. Gavin Newsom. Wages for...
In a quiet corner of Elk Grove, where the maze of subdivisions and shopping centers gives way to open fields, Sharie Wilson has spent the last...